“I’m happy to be alive and that’s all I can say” were probably the only words I could mutter when I got back home. “What was I thinking” was the only thought I could think of.
On the 28th of July I and my colleagues embarked on a trek to Kothaligarh Peth Fort, Maharashtra, India, a good 100 kms away from Bombay; which was promised to be refreshing, peaceful and relaxing. Given that it was a trek we were well aware we would come across waterfalls, butterflies and lots of moments to capture. But what was hidden or rather played a surprise element was the terrain and the way to the top. The estimated time of 1 hour to reach the top was rubbish (it took 3 perspiring and never-ending hours) and the level of the trek “Medium” was the best under-statement I have come across in a long time :). 4 levels of an exhausting stretch of 45 mins each filled with rugged roads, slippery slides and 3 foot steep stairs tested our patience, stamina and the will to go on.
With people continuously slipping, falling, providing for gags and earning medals in the bargain (talk about Olympic fever; we did better than the Indian contingent currently doing in London) the trek wasn’t devoid of any entertainment. From taking the support of trees, bushes and even leaves we scaled the mountain – at times climbing up like the army minus the pace and stealth and at times running down the slopes like rolling stones. This trek was definitely a challenge with the challengers being the terrain, the relief and the rain. On a personal front I had a horrid time but with the Mountain Tamer poem at the back of my mind for inspiration I marched ahead (luckily without winning any medals). Finally, victory was mine and the perspiration, aching legs and thirst were all worth it.
As I look back at my experience I have learnt a few lessons. You may call it enlightenment but I would just term them as learning’s. ‘The best lessons in life are learnt the hardest way’ fits perfectly here.
#1: The green expanse, the fresh air, the open wide spaces are our greatest treasure. At any cost we should never lose it.
#3: The road to the top is always difficult and seems never ending. The best way to cross is to never measure the distance and to keep walking. Before you will realize it you will be at the TOP.
#4: Life like nature reflects. It shows you who you are, however you are and gives back exactly what you throw at it.
#5: No matter whatever the situation, a smile and a few antics can make life and the journey far easier.
You can see all the pics of my trek at the following link. (Courtesy: Mugdha Ojha) https://plus.google.com/photos/100748466848361135069/albums/5771366089145774353?banner=pwa&authkey=CPj-vejwoY7h1wE